Welcome to TheHighline Amateur Radio Club PO Box 852 Seahurst, WA. 98062 Email: NC7G@highlinearc.org Home of the Highline HAM Community Club meetings are held on the 4th Saturday of each month. Check back here for any changes.
The general meeting is held at 10:00 AM. The Board meeting is held on Zoom at 1830L on the Wednesday before the General meeting. If you wish to be on the agenda for the Board of Director's meeting, please advise the club Secretary no later than the Tuesday before the meeting Board meeting. **************************************************** The general meetings of the Highline Amateur Radio Club are held on the fourth Saturday of every month (except June) starting at 10:00 AM at Fire Station 28, 900 SW 146th St, Burien. January 2025 meeting is Saturday January 25th *************************************************************************************** HARC on Social Media Catch up with Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups356960276978/ **************************************************************************************** HARC members enjoy a casual breakfast get-together each Friday at Tuscany at Des Moines Creek at 09:30 AM 