Club Nets and Repeater Frequencies
HARC owns and operates a 2m VHF repeater and a 440Mhz UHF repeater, both located at Fire Station #46 in SeaTac WA. The club also operates two lower power UHF repeaters and two WinLink nodes, each located in Burien and Des Moines. HARC 2 m Repeater: 146.660 MHz (-600 kHz shift and 103.5 Tone) NC7G HARC 70 cm Repeater: 443.100 MHz (+5 MHz shift and 103.5 Tone) WA7ST Burien 70 cm Repeater 441.1250 MHz (+5 MHz shift and 103.5 Tone) W7BUR Des Moines 70 cm Repeater 443.700 MHz (+5 MHz shift and 123.0 Tone) WA7DES WEEKLY NET Every Tuesday evening at 1930 Hrs. local time, the HARC and visitors come together on the Net for a weekly check-in and conversations. We meet on 2 Meters on a frequency of 146.660 MHz (-600 kHz shift with 103.5 Hz Tone). Hams are encouraged to also check in via a WinLink message or form to WA7ST. The goal is to have fun and get new Ops on the air. All are welcome! Highline ARC has executed an MOU with Vashon-Maury Island Radio Club to share each other's repeaters. HARC VMI UHF MOU FE 013019.pdf The Vashon-Maury Island Repeaters are: W7VMI 443.500 +103.5Hz tone to access repeater KG7CM 443,775 +103.5Hz tone to access repeater |