Club Officers & Board

President -- Nelson Spohnheimer (W7KVI)    E-mail:   w7kvi (at) comcast (dot) net

Vice President - Jeff Morgan (KC7BYF)         E-mail:   Jeffmorg12 (at) msn (dot) com

Secretary - Joe Levorsen (KF7AAT)              E-mail:   kf7aat (at)  arrl (dot) net

Treasurer - Bruce Blair (K7BAB)                    E-mail:   bblair.hp (at) gmail (dot) com

Trustee A - Bill Shorr (KI7OOI)                       E-mail:   billshorr (at) arrl  (dot) net

Trustee B -  Mark Freitas  (KE7AYD)              E-mail    markfccim (at) gmail (dot) com

Trustee C -  Kim Lord  (KF7FED)                   E-mail:   windlord65 (at) gmail (dot) com







President  -  Nelson Spohnheimer   W7KVI





Vice President - Jeff Morgan  KC7BYF





Secretary - Joe Levorsen   KF7AAT





Treasurer -  Bruce Blair   K7BAB





Trustee A   - Bill Shorr   KI7OOI





Trustee  B - Mark Freitas  KE7AYD





  Trustee C - Kim Lord   KF7FED


Highline Amateur Radio Club    NC7G

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