Would You Like to Join Our Club?
If you are interested in learning more about the Highline Amateur Radio Club or one of its groups and activities, contact the club by mail or email: Highline Amateur Radio Club PO Box 852 Seahurst, WA. 98062 Email: Club Membership Are you interested in membership in the Highline Amateur Radio Club? You can apply for membership and pay for your dues here or other avenues explained below! Dues are set at $20.00 a year for full membership. Annual memberships commence on April first of each year. If you are a new member or a returning military club member from extended service, the amount of dues shall be prorated on a monthly basis for the number of full months remaining to April first of each year. Membership commences upon a properly completed application and appropriate membership fee to the club. For returning club members, annual memberships expire on March 31st and must be paid in full by April 1st to remain current and in good standing. Please print off a membership application from the menu link on the left and either email to NC7G@highlinearc.org or bring to the next club meeting. |